Sunday Worship
We are now open for in-person Worship Services. All are welcome.
Sunday worship service is at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School available during the school year with childcare
17560 Chillicothe Road
Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
phone: 440-543-1071
Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Annual Meeting Pastor’s Report – February 4, 2024
February 4, 2024 Annual Meeting Slides
Sunday Services
See below for a link to the live streaming of our services or to see previous services:
YouTube Channel:
Community Meal
Tuesday, November 19
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
This month, we will, again, be engaging in our community meal program: preparing dinners to be available for pick-up or delivery. These meals are our gift to the community: to anyone who is in need of an evening of not cooking or the love that goes into making the food.
Menu – Glazed Chicken, Roasted Winter Vegetables, Green Beans, Cornbread, Assorted Pies
If you are interested in helping, we will be cooking meals from 9:30-11:30 a.m.; assembling from 3-4 p.m.; and distributing / delivering from 4-5:30 p.m. In addition, if you would like to bake a pie (your recipe of choice) at home, please drop off by 10 a.m. on November 19th.
To sign up to volunteer, click the link below:
To sign up for the meal, click the link below:
January 23, 2025
“Then Jesus, filled with the power of the Spirit, returned to Galilee.” (Luke 4:14)
Members and Friends of Valley,
As we approach the date of our annual Congregational Meeting (Sunday, February 2), I have been thinking about what it means to be a part of our Presbyterian faith tradition in and for this particular time and place.
Rev. Neal Presa, who served as moderator of the 220th Presbyterian General Assembly (held in 2012 in Pittsburgh), has written that – in the many churches of our denomination he has visited – being Presbyterian means:
• faithful confession that God alone is Lord;
• emphasis on God’s covenantal relationship with humanity;
• God’s prior initiative of grace precedes any human response of gratitude;
• scripture shapes and informs our faith; and
• faith is lived out in the public sphere.
But what Presa noticed about every congregation – in all their various forms – is that they are better together, writing that: “Presbyterians maintain that the will and mind of Jesus Christ for the church is best discerned in community.”*
This Sunday, we read the story of Jesus returning to his hometown, to the synagogue in Nazareth, and reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah that the Spirit has anointed him to bring good news to the impoverished, the imprisoned, and the infirmed. This is – and will continue to serve as – Jesus’ mission statement: he has come to lift up, to unbind, and to heal.
And what Jesus will do, in the very next chapter, is find partners in this project: to call the first disciples to become part of the community of discernment and caring. Jesus understands that they will do more and be better than they could by themselves; more able to respond to God’s grace with gratitude and live out their faith in the public sphere.
As Presbyterians, we don’t often think of ourselves as Spirit-filled. And yet, when we worship and work together – seeking to collectively maintain the will and mind of Christ for the church – we are following in the path of Jesus who chose not to go about ministry alone, but bound himself to others, with all their faults and differences. Jesus knew they were – and did – better together.
So, as we prepare to gather for this upcoming Congregational Meeting; as we choose and affirm leaders for the church; as we consider deepening our partnership with our friends at the Bainbridge Church; and as we attend to the various activities and missions of the church – including ministries to the poor, the bound, and the sick – let us remember that the church is best discerned in community.
May we, always, invite the Spirit to fill us, to inspire us, to guide us, and to move us to – together – be the church that Jesus wants us to be.
In Christ,
Pastor John
*as quoted in Presbyterians Today, July 2013
(additional announcements are in the bulletin and newsletter)
Every Day for Everyone – Daily Bible Study discussion
Those participating in the Every Day for Everyone Daily Bible Study (and anyone else interested) are invited to gather for questions and discussion Sunday, January 26, noon to 1 p.m., in the sanctuary.
Annual Meeting – Sunday, February 2
Session has called an Annual Meeting of the congregation and corporation for Sunday, February 2, immediately following worship for the purpose of nominations, receiving the annual budget, approving terms of call, and making a change to the by-laws.
Feeding our Neighbors
From community meals to the Faith Garden, food ministry is an important part of our mission at Valley – we believe in the power of food to provide nourishment, caring, and hope.
Two of our mission partners – Geauga Faith Rescue Mission and Next Step, both located in Chardon – provide shelter and assistance to people in our community in need. Both offer their residents a place to stay, but, also, a community in which they can heal, learn, and grow.
Monday, February 3
3:00 p.m. – meal preparation in the church kitchen
5:00 p.m. – depart for meal delivery
Individuals, groups, or families (up to five people) are welcome to sign up. Please contact Pastor John, if you have any questions.
Knitting For Others
Inviting all folks from 12-100 years of age, who like to knit or who would like to learn, to be a part of Valley’s Knitting Group.
The group will meet 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. (come when your schedule allows):
Sunday, January 26
Sunday, February 9
Sunday, February 23
This group has been busy knitting prayer blankets and shawls for members of our congregation. It takes a lot of yarn to knit or crochet these items. Many of us have made items in the past but not used quite all of the yarn. Knitting for Others can use the leftover yarn to make items to share with others. If you have any worsted size-4 or bulky size-5 yarn that you will not be using and could share with Knitting for Others, we certainly would appreciate your donation. Yarn can be left in the box marked “yarn” in the Library. Thank you so much for your help.
For questions, please call one of our Co-Chairs, Beverly or Bev:
Beverly Wahl – 502-553-7255
Bev Keough – 330-888-5385
2025 Year-long Bible Study
Everyday for Everyone
365 Devotions from Genesis to Revelation
This collection of reflections encompasses the entirety of the Bible – taking you on a journey from the beginnings of creation and humanity’s journey with God in Genesis through the history of Israel to the life of Jesus and the birth of the church in the New Testament.
Each daily devotion includes:
· Scripture Reference (usually not more than 1 chapter)
· A one-page, thoughtful commentary on that day’s passage
· A prayer echoing the Scripture and reflection from that day
Join Pastor John on a 2025 journey through the Bible; group times for discussion will be planned throughout the year. Books will be available through the church office for $17.
College Care Packages
The Deacons are gathering contributions to send gift cards to our college students over the next few weeks. If you have a loved one you would like included, please share their name and address with the office or Brenda Wahl.
Church YouTube Channel
The livestream of the worship service is being broadcast via the Valley YouTube channel using this link:
Link to YouTube Live
Link to Facebook
Link to Prayer Request List
Link to Sermons
Sunday, January 26, 2025 service bulletin
January 17, 2025
“It is said, ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'” (Luke 4:12)
Members and Friends of Valley,
As I sit writing, this morning, I look out on a white blanket on the ground, which has been covered now for all of 2025. After more snow this weekend, sub-zero temperatures are predicted for early next week. It is difficult not to think about the upcoming trials facing those lacking the resources necessary to stay sheltered and warm.
And, as long as we are thinking about trials, we include residents in California who have lost property and loved ones; people of North Carolina who are still struggling after Hurricane Helene; as well as the people of Israel/Palestine longing for peace; and in Sudan suffering from famine and civil war. This coming Monday, January 20, we commemorate both Martin Luther King, Jr., Day and a Presidential Inauguration; pondering our nation’s dreams for freedom, equity, and opportunity. The list, of course, could go on.
If you are following the daily scripture schedule in Every Day for Everyone, this Wednesday’s reading was the story of Abraham’s near-sacrifice of his son, Isaac; what the authors call “The Test.” This is one of the most disturbing and perplexing accounts of the Old Testament, making us wonder – as the authors ask – Who is this test for? Who is meant to benefit from it? What might the lingering effects of trauma from such a test be?
The gospel reading for this Sunday’s worship service tells the story of more testing as Jesus faces temptations in the wilderness. Following the last of the Tempter’s three tests, Jesus quotes from Deuteronomy 6:16 which warns against – as the Israelites in their wilderness wandering after the Exodus repeatedly had done – putting God to the test.
Tests, trials, and temptations: we each face them – in all their different forms, potencies, and proximities. Sometimes, we learn or grow from them; other times we can’t imagine that any good could come from them. But, as Jesus reminds us, they ought not to serve as justification to manipulate our relationship with God; to claim that we know more – or better – than our Lord. Not about who gets elected, or systematically discriminated against, or impacted by disaster. Tests and trials – and all the resulting benefits or suffering – remain a mystery to us on this earth. On the other side of this life, maybe we will know more; but for us, in all of the wildernesses that we encounter, God remains our maker and redeemer.
So, we give thanks for the warmth we enjoy and pray that others may find it; we appreciate the blessings we have received and work so that others might, also, find such grace. We long for justice and hope, as Dr. King did, that the universe’s long arc leans towards it. May God be in and around and remain with us through each and all of life’s tests and trials.
In Peace,
Pastor John
(additional announcements are in the bulletin and newsletter)
Dougbe River Presbyterian School
This Sunday, January 19, Isaac Monah – founder and Executive Director of the Dougbe River Presbyterian School in Liberia – will be joining us for worship and during fellowship. Valley has been a supporter and mission supporter of the Dougbe River School since its inception, including attending the annual fundraising gala each fall. We look forward to hearing from Isaac.
Feeding our Neighbors
From community meals to the Faith Garden, food ministry is an important part of our mission at Valley – we believe in the power of food to provide nourishment, caring, and hope.
Two of our mission partners – Geauga Faith Rescue Mission and Next Step, both located in Chardon – provide shelter and assistance to people in our community in need. Both offer their residents a place to stay, but, also, a community in which they can heal, learn, and grow.
On the first and third Mondays of each month, starting in January, Valley will be preparing meals for the residents of these two organizations. After the food is ready, we will deliver first to Next Step and then to the Rescue Mission, with the option of staying to eat and share fellowship and a bible study with the residents.
Monday, January 20:
3:00 p.m. – meal preparation in the church kitchen
5:00 p.m. – depart for meal delivery
Individuals, groups, or families (up to five people) are welcome to sign up to join Pastor John for either shift. Menus will be posted on the sign-up sheet.
Knitting For Others
Inviting all folks from 12-100 years of age, who like to knit or who would like to learn, to be a part of Valley’s Knitting Group.
The group will meet 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. (come when your schedule allows):
Sunday, January 26
This group has been busy knitting prayer blankets and shawls for members of our congregation. It takes a lot of yarn to knit or crochet these items. Many of us have made items in the past but not used quite all of the yarn. Knitting for Others can use the leftover yarn to make items to share with others. If you have any worsted size-4 or bulky size-5 yarn that you will not be using and could share with Knitting for Others, we certainly would appreciate your donation. Yarn can be left in the box marked “yarn” in the Library. Thank you so much for your help.
For questions, please call one of our Co-Chairs, Beverly or Bev:
Beverly Wahl – 502-553-7255
Bev Keough – 330-888-5385
2025 Year-long Bible Study
Everyday for Everyone
365 Devotions from Genesis to Revelation
This collection of reflections encompasses the entirety of the Bible – taking you on a journey from the beginnings of creation and humanity’s journey with God in Genesis through the history of Israel to the life of Jesus and the birth of the church in the New Testament.
Each daily devotion includes:
· Scripture Reference (usually not more than 1 chapter)
· A one-page, thoughtful commentary on that day’s passage
· A prayer echoing the Scripture and reflection from that day
Join Pastor John on a 2025 journey through the Bible; group times for discussion will be planned throughout the year.
Books will be available through the church office for $17, a free preview – including the reading schedule and first month of devotions – can be downloaded at:
Annual Meeting – Sunday, February 2
Session has called an Annual Meeting of the congregation and corporation for Sunday, February 2, immediately following worship for the purpose of nominations, receiving the annual budget, approving terms of call, and making a change to the by-laws.
Church YouTube Channel
The livestream of the worship service is being broadcast via the Valley YouTube channel using this link:
Link to YouTube Live
Link to Facebook
Link to Prayer Request List
Link to Sermons
Link to Service Bulletin:
Sunday, January 19, 2025, service bulletin
Pass-It-On Mission Store
Pass-it-on will be open:
Friday, January 24, 2025
(1 – 4 p.m.)
Saturday, January 25, 2024
(10 a.m. – 2 p.m.)
Donations are now being accepted.
Pass-It-On is a mission of and is located behind
Valley Presbyterian Church
17560 Chillicothe Road
Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
To find out more about our Pass-It-On, A Mission of Love, Store, use the following link to go to our Facebook page:
or e-mail at
Nov 19 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Nov 19 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Nov 19 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm