Heart of Valley (HOV) Christian Preschool is a private, non-denominational Christian preschool and a mission of Valley Presbyterian Church.
HOV curriculum offers students the opportunity to learn and grow and to develop socially, emotionally and physically with an ultimate goal of “kindergarten readiness”. These experiences occur in the classroom, with numerous themed units, multiple intelligence-based activities and visiting experts. Lessons are, also, implemented outside of the classroom utilizing the school’s facilities and various off-site field trips. Spiritual development occurs as a part of everyday learning with an emphasis on basic Christian values and Jesus’ love. We have a Christian climate, recognizing Christian holidays, morals, ethics and values. Children of all faiths are welcome.
Our preschool teachers are degreed in education. Each class is led by a teacher and/or assistant teacher who work as a team to foster the growth and development of the children. Our staff is composed of trained and loving educators who make us a warm and caring preschool.
Heart of Valley Christian Preschool invites you to visit the school, tour classrooms and facilities, meet the teachers and pick-up registration materials. Your child is welcome to come spend a morning with us.
Contact Heidi Cregar, Director, at 440-708-2572 or at hovcp@netlink.net if you have any questions. You can, also, friend us on Facebook – ‘Heart of Valley Christian Preschool’. Please visit the preschool’s own web site at http://heartofvalley.org/