Sunday Worship

We are now open for in-person Worship Services.  All are welcome.

Sunday worship service is at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School available during the school year with childcare
17560 Chillicothe Road
Chagrin Falls, OH  44023
phone:  440-543-1071
Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.


Annual Meeting Pastor’s Report – February 4, 2024

February 4, 2024 Annual Meeting Slides

Sunday Services

See below for a link to the live streaming of our services or to see previous services:

YouTube Channel:

Caring for God’s Creation

Fridays:  June 21, July 12, August 9
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (lunch included)

  Cost is $5 per child / $10 per family per session
 Children age 3 – entering 5th grade

God created an amazing world, and – as God’s children – we have been called to care for it.

Join youth and adult volunteers from Valley as we learn about the mysteries and science of our natural world; and how we can participate in nurturing and healing the earth and all its creatures.

 Activities will include music, movement, science lessons, working in the garden,
service projects, and bible story time.

Register by calling the office, or use the google form below:

Caring for God’s Creation Registration


Faith & Love:  Building Up Our Community with Fellowship, Meals, and Acts of Kindness

Coinciding with each of our Caring for God’s Creation events for children is a meal for all ages featuring a speaker from the community who will share their expertise, along with a related activity.  We would love for you to join us at our Table Together Meals.  Although it is not necessary, if you know you’re coming, please sign up below:

Friday, June 21 – Table Together Dinner – 5:30–7:00 p.m.
Spreading Love
Guest Speaker:  Christine Princic, Beekeeper
Spread love by assembling snack packs for Homeless Hookup

Sunday, July 14 – Table Together Lunch – after Chapel in the Woods
Nurture God’s Loving Nature
Guest Speaker:  Donny Howells, Agricultural Farmer
Plant a small herb garden in a 2-liter soda bottle

Friday, August 9 – Table Together Dinner – 5:30–7:00 p.m.
God’s plan needs all of us
Guest Speaker:  To be announced
Bloom where you are planted


Rise Against Hunger

Food Packaging Event

Saturday, June 22
10:00 a.m. – noon

We will, again, be working with Rise Against Hunger to package meals for hungry people around the world.   This is a wonderful opportunity for people of all ages to get involved in a hands-on mission while learning more about the goal of eradicating hunger in our lifetime.

This June, we will be partnering with members of Christ Presbyterian Church in Chesterland, who will join us in our Fellowship Hall to package thousands of meals.   All the materials are provided by Rise Against Hunger.   We just need your hands to help!

The meal-packaging process engages volunteers to combine rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables, and a packet of 18 essential vitamins and minerals into small meal packages.   These meal packages are shipped around the world to support school feeding programs and crisis relief.   The food stores easily, transports quickly, and has a shelf-life of two years.   Your impact starts with a meal, and leads to self-sufficiency, sustainability, and brighter futures!

Each meal package – including materials and shipping – costs approximately 40 cents; so, for two dollars, you can support 5 meals; ten dollars = 25 meals; twenty dollars = 50 meals.   Our portion for the event will be $2,000-3,000.

Volunteers are needed on Saturday, June 22 for setup (8:30 – 10 a.m.) and meal packaging (10 a.m. – noon).   Please sign up using this link below, or call the church office, if you would like to help:

Rise Against Hunger Registration


June 6, 2024


“(Jesus) took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him.” (Luke 24:30-31)

Members and friends of Valley,

One of the great joys of being a pastor is the privilege of welcoming people to the table.  This takes place in worship as we prepare to share communion at the Lord’s Table, but in many other settings as well:  fellowship dinners and chili cook-offs, preparing lunches for North Church or community meals, and meetings over coffee at Buckeye Café.

One of the great mysteries of Gospels is that many of the disciples who encountered the resurrected Jesus could not recognize him until he spoke their name, or showed them his pierced hands and side, or broke bread with them.  What was so different about his appearance that they could not see who was with them?  How was he, then, transformed before their eyes?  Or, was it the disciples, themselves, who were transformed?

I suppose the answer will be left to our imaginations.  And yet, I believe it speaks to the truth that we are often changed when we encounter others at the table; as we share food we, also, in conversation, share something from within – our experiences, our passions – that invites transformation.

Once each month – from June to September – we are inviting you to such table gatherings.  A simple meal will be provided, a table project will be suggested, and a speaker who has expertise in some aspect of nature and food preparation will offer a brief presentation.  These meals are being planned to coincide with monthly “Caring For God’s Creation” events for children.  Individuals and family members of all ages are invited.

The first of these Table Together Meals will be on Friday, June 21, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  The guest speaker will be Christine Princic, a beekeeper who will be sharing about the importance of pollinators to our ecology.  The service project will be packing snack bags for Homeless Hookup CLE.

For more information about the Table Together Meals and the Caring for God’s Creation children’s events, see the Sunday bulletin.

And as I invite folks in worship on communion Sundays:  Come to the table: there is plenty for everyone and space for all.

In Christ,
Pastor John


(additional announcements are in the bulletin and newsletter)


Knitting For Others

Inviting all folks from 12-100 years of age, who like to knit or who would like to learn, to be a part of Valley’s Knitting Group.  We will be knitting special items like prayer shawls, blankets, and other helpful and comforting items for our members and people in our community.

The group will meet (come when your schedule allows):
Sunday, June 9 — 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 18 — 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 14 — 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 23 — 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

For questions, please call one of our Co-Chairs, Beverly or Bev:

Beverly Wahl – 502-553-7255

Bev Keough – 330-888-5385




Church YouTube Channel

The livestream of the worship service is being broadcast via the Valley YouTube channel using this link:

Link to YouTube Live


Link to Facebook

Link to Prayer Request List

Link to Sermons

Link to service bulletin:

Sunday, June 9, 2024, service bulletin

May 30, 2024


“Do not neglect to do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” (Hebrews 13:16)

Members and Friends of Valley,

We are just three weeks away from our next food-packaging event.  This is the third time (our first since 2019) we are partnering with Rise Against Hunger to prepare meal packages that will be sent to help people in need across the globe.  For this effort, we are partnering with Christ Presbyterian Church in Chesterland and hope to complete at least 10,000 meals.

We have lots of opportunities for hands-on, local mission through working in our Faith Garden; making hygiene packets for Homeless Hookup CLE; or taking part in the collecting and sorting, pricing and selling at Pass-It-On, to name a few.  These efforts make an impact in our local communities; but we know that the need extends far wider.

Among the great things about Rise Against Hunger are that they are inclusive — just about anyone can find a way to help — that they make it fun; there is certain to be music and dancing while we are packing.  But it, also, provides a hands-on mission experience that will reach far and wide:  beyond our local community to war zones and disaster areas, to victims of earthquakes, tsunamis, and famine.

One of the ways that you can help with this event is to sign up and volunteer, and to ask others that you know within and beyond this congregation to do the same.  I would, also, encourage you to consider making a financial commitment to this project.  Each meal packet (which serves 3-4 people) costs approximately 40 cents, materials and shipping included.  That means a donation of two dollars will support five packets and up to 20 meals; 20 dollars means 50 packets and up to 200 meals.  You can do the math to figure the multiples.

Understanding that everyone has different financial means, the feeling that comes with being able to feed others — whether providing 20 meals or 200 or, as we hope for our two congregations combined, at least 40,000 — is impossible to quantify.  Through the help of the good folks at Rise Against Hunger, we have the ability to do good and share what we have — even with those a half a world away.

In Christ,
Pastor John


(additional announcements are in the bulletin and newsletter)


Knitting For Others

Inviting all folks from 12-100 years of age, who like to knit or who would like to learn, to be a part of Valley’s Knitting Group.  We will be knitting special items like prayer shawls, blankets, and other helpful and comforting items for our members and people in our community.

The group will meet (come when your schedule allows):
Sunday, June 9 — 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 18 — 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 14 — 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 23 — 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

For questions, please call one of our Co-Chairs, Beverly or Bev:

Beverly Wahl – 502-553-7255

Bev Keough – 330-888-5385




Church YouTube Channel

The livestream of the worship service is being broadcast via the Valley YouTube channel using this link:

Link to YouTube Live


Link to Facebook

Link to Prayer Request List

Link to Sermons

Link to service bulletin:

Sunday, June 2, 2024 service bulletin

Pass-It-On Mission Store

Pass-it-on will be open:

Friday, June 14, 2024 (1 – 4 p.m.)


Saturday, June 15, 2024 (10 a.m. – 2 p.m.)

  Donations are now being accepted.


Pass-It-On is a mission of and is located behind
Valley Presbyterian Church
17560 Chillicothe Road
Chagrin Falls, OH 44023


To find out more about our Pass-It-On, A Mission of Love, Store, use the following link to go to our Facebook page:

or e-mail at

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