Sunday Worship
We are now open for in-person Worship Services. All are welcome.
Sunday worship service is at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School available during the school year with childcare
17560 Chillicothe Road
Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
phone: 440-543-1071
Office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Annual Meeting Pastor’s Report – February 4, 2024
February 4, 2024 Annual Meeting Slides
Sunday Services
See below for a link to the live streaming of our services or to see previous services:
YouTube Channel:
Community Meal
Tuesday, February 18
4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Valentine’s Day may have just passed, but we still want to give you a sweet gift!
The community-wide dinner is offered at no charge for anyone who is hungry, who is feeling stretched, or who might need to be reminded that they are loved.
Menu: Chicken fettuccine alfredo, garlic bread, salad, and red-velvet cupcakes
If you are interested in helping, we will be cooking meals from 9:30-11:30 a.m.; assembling from 3-4 p.m.; and distributing / delivering from 4-5:30 p.m. In addition, if you would like to bake red-velvet cupcakes (your recipe of choice) at home, please drop off by 10 a.m. on February 18th.
To sign up to volunteer, click the link below:
To sign up for the meal, click the link below:
February 5, 2025
“And God will delight when we are creators of justice and joy, compassion and peace;
Yes, God will delight when we are creators of justice, justice and joy!”
(refrain from “For Everyone Born,” #769, Glory to God hymnal)
Members and friends of Valley,
I was introduced to this beautiful song at the clergy retreat I attended this fall at Hocking Hills State Park where I experienced the delight of walking the outdoor trails, spending time with colleagues, and resting my body and mind.
I believe that God wants us to experience such times of delight, but that God, also, desires that we be actively engaged in the creation of justice and joy for others. God experiences delight when we answer our various calls to engage in service to our neighbors and care of creation. I love the words of the final verse of the hymn:
For everyone born, a place at the table, for everyone born, clean water and bread,
A shelter, a space, a safe place for growing, for everyone born, a star overhead…
As we took a look back, during this past Sunday’s Annual Meeting, at our mission and ministry in 2024, I could see all the ways we engaged as creators of justice and joy: worshipping with prayer and song, working to feed and shelter others, donating to disaster relief, passing on resources, providing educational opportunities, providing space for recovery, dancing, and more.
Looking around our world in 2025, we can see so many more of these opportunities: a planet needing our care, people looking for help, longing for rest, seeking moments of delight. I pray that together – and as individuals – we might discover the ways we can better be – on behalf of everyone born – creators of justice and joy.
In Christ,
Pastor John
(additional announcements are in the bulletin and newsletter)
Worship Exchange
On Sunday, February 16, Valley will, again, be traveling to be with our friends at Bainbridge UCC for a joint worship service. If you are unable to be there, a livestream of the service is available on YouTube using this link:
College / Military Care Packages
The Deacons are gathering contributions to send gift cards to our college / military students over the next few weeks. If you have a loved one you would like included, please share their name and address with the office or Brenda Wahl.
Knitting For Others
Inviting all folks from 12-100 years of age, who like to knit or who would like to learn, to be a part of Valley’s Knitting Group.
The group will meet 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. (come when your schedule allows):
Sunday, February 9
Sunday, February 23
This group has been busy knitting prayer blankets and shawls for members of our congregation. It takes a lot of yarn to knit or crochet these items. Many of us have made items in the past but not used quite all of the yarn. Knitting for Others can use the leftover yarn to make items to share with others. If you have any worsted size-4 or bulky size-5 yarn that you will not be using and could share with Knitting for Others, we certainly would appreciate your donation. Yarn can be left in the box marked “yarn” in the Library. Thank you so much for your help.
For questions, please call one of our Co-Chairs, Beverly or Bev:
Beverly Wahl – 502-553-7255
Bev Keough – 330-888-5385
North Church Partnership – Sunday, February 9
Valley has enjoyed a long-standing mission partnership with North Church, a gathering of predominantly homeless or housing insecure members. This year, we will worship and share meals (along with members of Christ Presbyterian Church in Chesterland) on four different Sundays throughout the year. The first Sunday is Sunday, Feb. 9. Please consider volunteering to help:
Meal Preparation
Saturday, Feb. 8 in the Church kitchen, 1-2:30 p.m.
Meal Delivery, Worship, and Serving
Sunday, Feb. 9 meet at Church to depart at 10 a.m., return by 1:30 p.m.
Mid-week Lunch Group – February 11
All are welcome to gather for lunch together at Buckeye Café (located across from the church in Tanglewood Square) at noon on the second Tuesday of each month (February 11, March 11, April 8, etc.) for a time of good food, great coffee, and even better conversations.
Sarah Circle – Tuesday, February 11
Sarah Circle 2024-2025 meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month, September through May, at 10:30 a.m. in the Church Library.
This year’s study is:
“Words of Love”
by Eugenia Gamble
All are welcome for membership or just a visit. Contact Glenna Pool with any questions.
2025 Year-long Bible Study
Everyday for Everyone
365 Devotions from Genesis to Revelation
This collection of reflections encompasses the entirety of the Bible – taking you on a journey from the beginnings of creation and humanity’s journey with God in Genesis through the history of Israel to the life of Jesus and the birth of the church in the New Testament.
Each daily devotion includes:
· Scripture Reference (usually not more than 1 chapter)
· A one-page, thoughtful commentary on that day’s passage
· A prayer echoing the Scripture and reflection from that day
Join Pastor John on a 2025 journey through the Bible; group times for discussion will be planned throughout the year. Books are available through the church office for $17.
Every Day for Everyone – Daily Bible Study discussion
Those participating in the Every Day for Everyone Daily Bible Study (and anyone else interested) are invited to gather for questions and discussion:
Group Discussion Times
Monday, February 10
7-8 p.m. in the Church Library
Sunday, February 23
4-5 p.m. in Church Library
Church YouTube Channel
The livestream of the worship service is being broadcast via the Valley YouTube channel using this link:
Link to YouTube Live
Link to Facebook
Link to Prayer Request List
Link to Sermons
Link to Service Bulletin:
Sunday, February 9, 2025 service bulletin
January 30, 2025
“Be still, and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:10)
Members and Friends of Valley,
There’s a Buddhist story about a young monk named Hideaki, who sought enlightenment from a revered master. Hideaki asked the master, “What must I do to become wise?” The master responded, “Chop wood. Carry water.” Confused but obedient, Hideaki spent the next several weeks performing these simple tasks.
Frustrated by the apparent lack of progress, Hideaki returned to the master. “I’ve done what you said,” he protested, “but I feel no closer to enlightenment.” The master smiled and replied, “Then chop wood. Carry water. Be present to the chopping. Be present to the carrying. Attend to each movement with your full being, and you will begin to understand.”
Hideaki returned to his tasks, this time with a different focus. Instead of rushing through them, he allowed himself to feel the weight of the axe, the rhythm of the swing, the coolness of the water as it spilled over the edges of the bucket. In the simplicity of his work, he discovered something profound: the sacredness of the present moment. The mundane tasks became an opening to wisdom, peace, and connection to all things.*
Most of us, I believe, have discovered those mundane tasks which – when performed with intention and attention – can provide stillness, peace, and maybe even moments of enlightenment. When I cook, for example, sometimes I just want to get it done, to have something that I or others can eat. Other times, though, I become fully immersed in the moment; I think of all those who brought these ingredients into my kitchen; I think of the melding of textures and flavors; I take in the tastes and aromas.
For many of us – and those around us – these are stressful times. Whether wars or wildfires, frigid temperatures or flight collisions, the experience of personal loss or trauma to vulnerable communities, we sometimes need to be still and know that God is with us and will not let us go. And yet, sitting still may not best serve us; we might need to move, to work, and to think – to be present in the chopping and in the carrying.
Thus – in whatever way you are troubled; however the world seems stressful; in your own search for wisdom, peace, and connection – I wish you stillness; I pray that you may know God’s presence – today and in all days.
In Christ,
Pastor John
* As told by Cameron Trimble, “The Art of Presence”
(additional announcements are in the bulletin and newsletter)
Annual Meeting – Sunday, February 2
Session has called an Annual Meeting of the congregation and corporation for Sunday, February 2, immediately following worship for the purpose of nominations, receiving the annual budget, approving terms of call, and making a change to the by-laws.
Feeding our Neighbors
From community meals to the Faith Garden, food ministry is an important part of our mission at Valley – we believe in the power of food to provide nourishment, caring, and hope.
Two of our mission partners – Geauga Faith Rescue Mission and Next Step, both located in Chardon – provide shelter and assistance to people in our community in need. Both offer their residents a place to stay, but, also, a community in which they can heal, learn, and grow.
Monday, February 3
3:00 p.m. – meal preparation in the church kitchen
5:00 p.m. – depart for meal delivery
Individuals, groups, or families (up to five people) are welcome to sign up. Please contact Pastor John, if you have any questions.
Knitting For Others
Inviting all folks from 12-100 years of age, who like to knit or who would like to learn, to be a part of Valley’s Knitting Group.
The group will meet 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. (come when your schedule allows):
Sunday, February 9
Sunday, February 23
This group has been busy knitting prayer blankets and shawls for members of our congregation. It takes a lot of yarn to knit or crochet these items. Many of us have made items in the past but not used quite all of the yarn. Knitting for Others can use the leftover yarn to make items to share with others. If you have any worsted size-4 or bulky size-5 yarn that you will not be using and could share with Knitting for Others, we certainly would appreciate your donation. Yarn can be left in the box marked “yarn” in the Library. Thank you so much for your help.
For questions, please call one of our Co-Chairs, Beverly or Bev:
Beverly Wahl – 502-553-7255
Bev Keough – 330-888-5385
North Church Partnership – Sunday, February 9
Valley has enjoyed a long-standing mission partnership with North Church, a gathering of predominantly homeless or housing insecure members. This year, we will worship and share meals (along with members of Christ Presbyterian Church in Chesterland) on four different Sundays throughout the year. The first Sunday is Sunday, Feb. 9. Please consider volunteering to help:
Meal Preparation
Saturday, Feb. 8 in the Church kitchen, 1-2:30 p.m.
Meal Delivery, Worship, and Serving
Sunday, Feb. 9 meet at Church to depart at 10 a.m., return by 1:30 p.m.
2025 Year-long Bible Study
Everyday for Everyone
365 Devotions from Genesis to Revelation
This collection of reflections encompasses the entirety of the Bible – taking you on a journey from the beginnings of creation and humanity’s journey with God in Genesis through the history of Israel to the life of Jesus and the birth of the church in the New Testament.
Each daily devotion includes:
· Scripture Reference (usually not more than 1 chapter)
· A one-page, thoughtful commentary on that day’s passage
· A prayer echoing the Scripture and reflection from that day
Join Pastor John on a 2025 journey through the Bible; group times for discussion will be planned throughout the year. Books are available through the church office for $17.
Every Day for Everyone – Daily Bible Study discussion
Those participating in the Every Day for Everyone Daily Bible Study (and anyone else interested) are invited to gather for questions and discussion:
Group Discussion Times
Monday, February 10
7-8 p.m. in the Church Library
Sunday, February 23
4-5 p.m. in Church Library
College / Military Care Packages
The Deacons are gathering contributions to send gift cards to our college / military students over the next few weeks. If you have a loved one you would like included, please share their name and address with the office or Brenda Wahl.
Church YouTube Channel
The livestream of the worship service is being broadcast via the Valley YouTube channel using this link:
Link to YouTube Live
Link to Facebook
Link to Prayer Request List
Link to Sermons
Link to Service Bulletin:
Sunday, February 2, 2025 service bulletin
Pass-It-On Mission Store
Pass-it-on will be open:
Friday, February 21, 2025
(1 – 4 p.m.)
Saturday, February 22, 2024
(10 a.m. – 2 p.m.)
Donations are now being accepted.
Pass-It-On is a mission of and is located behind
Valley Presbyterian Church
17560 Chillicothe Road
Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
To find out more about our Pass-It-On, A Mission of Love, Store, use the following link to go to our Facebook page:
or e-mail at
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |